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Tuesday, November 3, 2009

O.C.A (Out Of The Closet Atheist) goals.

Alright, now that we've stirred up a little discussion about some major issues, lets try to focus what this blog is gonna be about.

In this blog I would like to present why religion is so bad for the world, why science and reason are necessary as consciousness raisers and sustainability as a species, and why you should join the Atheist revolution.

I will have special posts on specific topics pertaining to Atheism and Religion in the world.

I will inform people about organizations that can help further your understanding in science, reason, secular humanism and politics.

I will have weekly features such as "Famous Atheists In History" "Organizations" "Amazing Creatures" and "What 'god' allowed to Happen today"

Here are some ideas for future posts:

Jesus Christ, real or made up individual?
Evidence for evolution for beginners.
Jesus Christ found buried in a tomb with wife and kid
How Religious belief might actually be bad for your biological fitness and survival
Why Christmas and Easter don't even make religious sense.
Who Is Richard Dawkins and why should you hear what he has to say.
What is the Freedom From Religion Foundation and other organization supporting Atheism, Scienc, and Reason.
Charles Darwin
Famous Atheists In History
Why only a moron would teach creation in biology class.
Why Intelligent Design is so stupid.
What "god" allowed to happen today.

If you have any ideas for posts that you would like to hear about please comment below and I'll do my best to cover them in time.

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